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At ICBDA #43 in Orlando, FL on Saturday, 13 Jul 2019, we were the honored recipients of the organization's Golden Torch Award.

Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!   Golden Torch

Come Dance with us

ICBDA 2008 - San Antonio

Animated Divider

International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association (ICBDA)!!!

So our annual convention is now a pleasant historical memory!  It goes by way too fast.  To quote Irv Easterday, "We can irrevocably state that this was the best ICBDA ever."  Hummm?  Anyway, it was a great convention.  The wood floors were great to dance on and although it was a constant battle for Mark Prow, the sound in the big hall got better & better.   The sound in the Intermediate Hall was reported to be fantastic throughout the week.  All the cueing was excellent in both halls!!  Many, many thanks to all the cuers who made the dancing easy!!


As usual, the convention kicked off with a day of Educational clinics.  George & I presented a 2 1/2 hour clinic on Argentine Tango (one of the focus rhythms for this convention).  We had 225 dancers in attendance!!  How about that?  As far as we are concerned, it went really well.  The dancers looked awesome by the time we broke for lunch!  If you'd like to read our notes that we published in the syllabus, click here.  There were also clinics on Slow Two Step (the other focus rhythm and presented by Richard Lamberty), Lead and Follow - Latin (Easterday's),  Lead & Follow - Smooth (Clements), Waltz & Foxtrot Comparison (Robinson) & Rumba & Cha Fun'damentals (Sechrist).  The first day was also the Opening Ceremony and the Prelude Ball.  There were 3 teaches on each of the next 3 mornings and 3 teaches each afternoon for Friday & Saturday.  Sunday afternoon was the Annual General Membership Meeting (which by the way was probably the shortest on record!!).  Each evening except for the final evening had 2 halls dancing once the show cases were completed and 5 of the top 15 were presented each night.

This year Carol Goss and Deb Vogt introduced each Showcase demo with a poem and "the envelope, please".  Once again Carol showed how very clever she is!!!

The most important announcement of the Convention is the change of venue for next year.  After reinvestigation, Milwaukee was found to be unacceptable.  The Convention for next year will be Wednesday, July 22 - Saturday, July 25, 2009 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Joplin, MO.  Read all about the convention from the new ICBDA website!  It is fantastic!  Glen & Helen Arsenaux have been hard at work on it and it needs to be seen to be appreciated!  Go there and see for yourself!! https://www.icbda.com/  

Here's a list of the dances presented.

Name (Click for Cuesheet) Choreographer Phase Rhythm
Back Where I Belong (didn't get to teach this - Read's couldn't attend! Read, Kay & Joy IV+2 Foxtrot
Beat of Your Heart Preskitt, Randy & Marie V+1 Slow 2 Step
Chalita (our favorite!!!!) Goss, Bill & Carol VI Arg Tango
Dance With Me (Showcased only - Standby) Ferry, Milo & Grace V+1 Cha
Fame Blackford, Wayne & Barbara VI Cha
French Poodle Moore, Brent & Judy V+2 Foxtrot
Harlem Nocturne (Showcased only - Standby) Sandeman, Steve & Radka VI Rumba
Illusion Sheridan, Michael & Diana V+1 Waltz
Lost to Me (Nunca Supe Mas De Ti) Shibata, Kenji & Nobuko V+1 Rumba
"PMS" Blues Kurczewski, Bob & Kay IV+2 West Coast
Por Una Cabeza (Scent of a Woman Tango) Finch, Dan & Sandi V Arg Tango
Romeo IV Juliet Oren/Bingham, Bev & Bill IV+1 Waltz
Someday Hilton, Joe & Pat IV+2 Slow 2 Step
Something to Talk About Rumble, Ron & Ree VI West Coast
The Day You Love Me (El Dia Que Me Quieras) Lillefield, Al & Carol VI Bolero
The Twist Worlock, Curt & Tammy VI Jive
Xaymaca Farewell Otto, Oberdan & Vanessa IV+1 Rumba

                                    Once again there was no Golden Torch presented!

The Hall of Fame Dance was Beale Street Blues, Phase V, Jive by Al & Carol Lillefield!!  Too Cool, huh!!  Congratulations Al & Carol!!!!

                                                   Next, here are the top 15!!!!

Position Name Choreographer
1 Forrest Gump Moore
2 Carnival Rumble
3 La Gloria Moore
4 Jurame Worlock
5 Last Night Cha Worlock
6 And I Love You So Childers
6 Boulavogue Lamberty/Morales
8 A Wink and a Smile Rumble
8 Dark Waltz Vogt
10 Stier Tango Worlock
11 La Barca Goss
11 Papillon Lamberty
13 Abrazame Worlock
14 Adeline Shibata
15 Beale Street Blues Lillefield


G&P in Blue                                                                                                                                                            Copyright © 1998-2024 by Pamela Hurd.  All rights reserved.   This page was last updated:Saturday, September 28, 2024