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Demos of all Dances Taught this season & more!!!!- Dance Demos

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If you'd like to help us by downloading & filling out the 2023/24 Season Critique - Here it is!!!!  Click here
please feel free to provide any feed back for our use in choosing our program for next season!!!  It's also a good reminder of everything we taught this season!


Pam's New Travel Blog - https://traveleverywherewithpamela.blogspot.com/

Be sure to refresh your browser if the current information is not showing! 

At ICBDA #43 in Orlando, FL on Saturday, 13 Jul 2019, we were the honored recipients of the organization's Golden Torch Award.

Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!   Golden Torch

Come Dance with us

Upcoming Travels

George & I love to travel, both in our RV across the US (& sometimes even into Canada!!) and also Internationally.  We travel to dance & we travel just to sight see.  We like to have our friends & family travel with us as we think it is more enjoyable to share the experiences.  Gives us memories to share with friends!  Consequently, we do group travel trips when we can & we advertise them publically to encourage folks to travel with us.  Generally if we get compensation for setting up a group trip, we share the "wealth" with the group!  Here's some of the things we have planned & some things we're considering for the future!  Take a look & consider joining us!

Animated Divider


We are currently planning a group adventure to Zimbabwe in April  2024.  With a private guide that we met when we were in Africa in 2014. - already full!!!


Have changed our minds multiple times on what to do for our Dec 2024 trip!  Just finalized plans with OAT for Discover Thailand with pre in Malaysia and Post in Philippines. Should be very interesting, never spent anytime in any of those areas.


Just started planning a Group Cruise in Mary 2025 from Malta to Spain - it's hitting lots of my bucket list stops - Sicily, Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar!! It will start shortly after we teach at Cham in April 2025.  Specific dates are not available yet.  Fully refundable PreDeposits only right now. Contact me if you have any interest.  I'll be sending out invites this summer - after Jul 2023  www.oattravel.com/vts24  


Just booked a tour with OAT called Ancient Cities for Dec 2025 - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, & a little Thailand.




G&P in Blue                                                                                                                                                            Copyright © 1998-2024 by Pamela Hurd.  All rights reserved.   This page was last updated:Wednesday, July 03, 2024