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If you'd like to help us by downloading & filling out the 2023/24 Season Critique - Here it is!!!!  Click here
please feel free to provide any feed back for our use in choosing our program for next season!!!  It's also a good reminder of everything we taught this season!


Pam's New Travel Blog - https://traveleverywherewithpamela.blogspot.com/

Be sure to refresh your browser if the current information is not showing! 

At ICBDA #43 in Orlando, FL on Saturday, 13 Jul 2019, we were the honored recipients of the organization's Golden Torch Award.

Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!   Golden Torch

Come Dance with us

Valentine's Dance, February 14, 2011

Animated Divider

Valentine's Day fell on the second Thursday of February this year, setting up an opportunity for a Special Dance!  Several of our dancing couples got together and arranged an addition to the "Sweetheart Party" that we were planning (read Linda's explanation for the set up)!!!  So, not only did we have roses for all the ladies and Valentine's Heart blinkies and door prizes, George got set up with a fantastic practical joke!  It all worked all well and we ended up with our highest attendance ever for a Mesa session (79 paying couples!!!!) 

Haven't finished labeling all the pictures, and haven't gotten the best pictures from Linda yet!!!  In the meantime, here's what I 've got and if you've got the time, here's an unedited video of George TAKING OFF THE 75 ties!!!!  They weighed 8 lbs!!!  Too funny!!  Sorry the video is not currently working!  Have to work on that!


Tom helps set up the blinkies

George before the ties

Chuck arranges the ladies roses

George & Pam with his "Tie" cake

George cuts his cake

Wow, look at all the food

Dick takes a much deserved break to eat a little cake

George starts putting on the ties

George in his full glory!

George has a little trouble cueing! Hard to see over the ties!

Janet plays with the ties herself!

Time to take them off!


G&P in Blue                                                                                                                                                            Copyright © 1998-2024 by Pamela Hurd.  All rights reserved.   This page was last updated:Wednesday, July 03, 2024