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If you'd like to help us by downloading & filling out the 2023/24 Season Critique - Here it is!!!!  Click here
please feel free to provide any feed back for our use in choosing our program for next season!!!  It's also a good reminder of everything we taught this season!


Pam's New Travel Blog - https://traveleverywherewithpamela.blogspot.com/

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At ICBDA #43 in Orlando, FL on Saturday, 13 Jul 2019, we were the honored recipients of the organization's Golden Torch Award.

Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!   Golden Torch

Come Dance with us

URDC 2007

Animated Divider

Here's the latest info about our experience at this year's URDC!!!!!   Overall we think it was the best one ever!!  All the dances were awesome!  Although it was only a tile floor, it danced quite well and the cueing was superb.  I'll get pictures on My Webshots within the next 2 days!!!!   Another fun thing about this year's URDC is that we voted to video tape the dancers.  The 2 dances that were video taped were Laurann (the Hall of Fame Dance) and boy oh boy OUR FINE BROWN FRAME!!!!  Too Cool!!  The videos should be on the professional video that you can purchase from URDC.  And that brings me to the next interesting info from this convention.  Our association has a new name!!!  We voted overwhelmingly to change the name to International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association (ICBDA)!!!   This is the first step in a new advertising campaign and is effective immediately!!

One of the most memorable aspects of this year's URDC was how Carol Goss announced each Showcase!  She had written words to a nursery rhyme to introduce each couple and most of them she sang!!  It was just incredible.  She's sooooooo talented!!  I can't repeat all of them, but I can give you ours:

Hey diddle , diddle,
I'll tell you a riddle
Two cows gone to Mesa to dance
While there, they did teach,
New heights they did reach
And so lightly their new herd did prance!!!!! 

It was also announced that next year's convention in San Antonio has had a date change.  It will be July 3 - 6, 2008.  Mark your calendars and plan to be there!  George will be the evening Program Chairman!


Okay enough of that - here's what was taught!!

Name (Click for Cuesheet) Choreographer Phase Rhythm
Almost Like Being in Love Randy & Marie Preskitt IV+2 Quickstep
Bounce Me Brother (Stand By) Al & Carol Lillefield V Quickstep
Cumparsita Argentina        (click for video!!) George & Pamela Hurd V Argentine Tango
Feeling Good Chris & Terri Cantrell V West Coast Swing
Flying Dwain & Judy Sechrist V+2 Waltz
I Finally Found Someone Dick & Karen Fisher IV+2 Bolero
In This Life Curt & Tammy Worlock VI Slow Two Step
Just My Luck Ron & Ree Rumble VI Cha Cha
La Gloria Brent & Judy Moore VI Bolero
Que Sabes De Amor Kay & Joy Read VI Rumba
Sensation Tango (Stand By) Sandi & Dan Finch VI Tango
She's Looking Good Ron & Mary Noble IV+2 West Coast Swing
16 Tons Wayne & Barbara Blackford V Foxtrot
Summer of Our Love Kristine & Bruce Nelson IV+2 Waltz
Tango of Satumaa Kenji & Nobuko Shibata VI International Tango
There's A Time for Everything Joe & Pat Hilton IV+2 Foxtrot
Wake Me Before You Go-Go Paul & Linda Robinson V+1 Jive

There was not a Golden Torch presented this year!

The Hall of Fame Dance was Laurann, Phase IV+2 Foxtrot by Randy & Marie Preskitt!!!  Yippee & Congratulations to you Randy & Marie!!!!


Next, here are the top 15!!!!

Position Name Choreographer
1 Carnival Rumble
2 Papillon Lamberty
3 Jurame Worlock
4 Beale Street Blues Lillefield
5 Last Night Cha Worlock
6 And I Love You So Childers
7 Boulavogue Lamberty/Morales
8 A Wink and a Smile Rumble
9 Dark Waltz Vogt
10 My Heart Will Go On Vogt
11 The Human Thing to Do Sheridan
12 Orient Express Foxtrot Moore
13 Adeline Shibata
14 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Rumble
15 Stier Tango Worlock


G&P in Blue                                                                                                                                                            Copyright © 1998-2024 by Pamela Hurd.  All rights reserved.   This page was last updated:Saturday, September 28, 2024