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Welcome to the Dancing GyPsies Website   

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Easy Access Most Preferred Downloads!!    Mesa Brochure   Calendar   Next Thurs Program   Next Sun Program


Demos of all Dances Taught this season & more!!!!- Dance Demos

 Arrow right   Pictorial Directory of Mesa Dancers (as of July 2024) arrow left


If you'd like to help us by downloading & filling out the 2023/24 Season Critique - Here it is!!!!  Click here
please feel free to provide any feed back for our use in choosing our program for next season!!!  It's also a good reminder of everything we taught this season!


Pam's New Travel Blog - https://traveleverywherewithpamela.blogspot.com/

Be sure to refresh your browser if the current information is not showing! 

At ICBDA #43 in Orlando, FL on Saturday, 13 Jul 2019, we were the honored recipients of the organization's Golden Torch Award.

Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!   Golden Torch

Come Dance with us

Instructional Video Library

Presenting the Dancing GyPsies’

Instructional Video Library:




Please do not resubscribe at this time.  If you are already a paid subscriber with a password, it has not been changed.  If you are a new subscriber, please look at what is available at this time to make your decision.  Nothing new will be added.

The website has not been updated since June 2018.  Please feel free to download anything you need from the site as we are not sure how much longer it will be available.  Thank you for your support in the past years.  Hope it has been helpful. 

Feel free to contact us for free access to what is available. 

Roy & Janet Williams have been kind enough to develope a sortable spreadsheet of contents!!  Click here for access


· History:  Dave Sanford began work on the library during the summer of 2012.  After a few months of beta testing, we presented the library to the public in Oct 2012.  The idea is to present full teaches and clinics via the internet to allow dancers and/or teachers that are not in a location where they can easily attend classes to advance their knowledge and skills of our beloved hobby of Round Dancing (or Choreographed Ballroom dancing—whichever name you prefer!)  Access is through Dave Sanford’s website - www.dancerounds.info/ where lots of other information is available to add to your dancing pleasure.   

· Cost:  Access is currently free!  Contact us for login & password!!!  Do not access through the pay button!!!

· Instructions:  The site is very simple to use and instructions are on the site itself.  There is a test video to try.  This will ensure that you can look at the videos on your internet service, before paying for it.  Password & User name will be provided after payment is received.

· Other Info:   We have full teaches of dances choreographed by us and many other instructors.  Almost everything has been taped & edited by Toni Paul.   There are also several clinics—both full rhythm clinics and specific figures.  You can see what is available before you purchase—you just can’t access the videos without the password. 

· Questions:  For more information, feel free to contact Pamela at pam@gphurd.com

If you want to down load a pdf with information - Click here

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G&P in Blue                                                                                                                                                            Copyright © 1998-2024 by Pamela Hurd.  All rights reserved.   This page was last updated:Saturday, September 28, 2024